Time And Again
by April

Chapter 5: Road's End

"Ouch!" Schala winced as she bumped her arm against the wall as she descended the stairs to the dining room. She'd broken it in the attack on Rydia's house. As she'd tried to get to Magus, a Mystic had taken advantage of her distraction to snap the bone. Now it was in a sling, resting against her bruised body.

Cradling her arm, she sat down at one of the tables and waited to be served. They had all been injured in some way or another in that fight. Rydia had a sprained ankle and a nasty gash on her arm. Crono had a few broken fingers, Lucca a bad burn on her leg, and Marle had gotten off relatively easy with nothing more than some cuts and scrapes and a few mashed toes. Schala had fared the worst, what with her broken arm and being bruised and cut all over. She supposed it was because she wasn't quite the fighter the others were.

After ordering her meal, she thought about the other effects of that battle. Rydia's house had burnt to the ground, leaving her and her parents, who'd been at the castle during it all, with no home until it was rebuilt. So they were staying here in Guardia Castle for the time being.

Picking idly at her food, she thought about her brother and Bleu, who'd been captured in the fight. And poor Daria, too. The Mystic leader was demanding an exorbitant amount for their release -- half the kingdom. Daria's and Magus's release, that is. There'd been no mention of Bleu except for Ozzie's statement about knowing what to do with traitors. The way he'd said it and the look on his fat green face had sent chills down Schala's spine. She hoped her friends and her brother were all right.

It was cold and foggy in the forest that morning, the trees obscured in places because of the thickness of the gray-white mist. The three walking through it shivered, the chill air particularly biting.

"Could we please stop and rest?" Daria asked, her voice verging on whining. There were slight circles under her gray eyes, and her step was slowed. She yawned. "I'm so tired. I barely got any sleep last night."

"You should have gone to bed earlier, then," Magus said as he kept walking. "If you didn't get enough sleep, you only have yourself to blame for that."

"No, I have you two to blame for that," Daria retorted, stifling another yawn. "Listening to you was what kept me up, though I hardly wanted to hear it."

Bleu blushed. Magus looked embarrassed and slightly annoyed. "Well, excuse us for having fun," he said dryly.

"Yeah, I could tell that's what you were having," Daria shot back. "It was pretty obvious."

This made Bleu even more embarrassed. Magus sighed. "Your point?"

"That I want to rest! I'm exhausted!" she replied irritably.

Magus rolled his eyes. "Fine then. We'll rest. Just let up on us. Or forever regret it."

Daria shivered, and not just from the cold. She'd almost forgotten how dangerous he was. He'd make good on his word if she said another about him and Bleu. Nodding, she sat down on a tree stump.

Bleu sat down too, though on the ground. She, too was tired. But not quite in the same way.

A chill wind blew, cutting right through her thin jacket. Shivering, she wrapped her arms around herself and tried to stay warm. Then Magus sat down beside her and slipped his arm around her. She trembled at his touch, the memories of the previous night filling her mind. Closing her eyes, she sighed and leaned into him, her head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of her head, savoring the faint scent of lilacs that drifted from her dark, silky hair. Closing his eyes as well, he simply held her. Loved her.

Lifting her head, Bleu kissed him softly. He returned it, cupping her face gently in his hand and pulling her closer. When the kiss ended, they were both trembling with raw emotion, their eyes filled with their feelings for one another. Their night together had been magical for both. All their pretenses, all their insecurities, all their doubts, just melted away when they were in each other's arms. Nothing else mattered. Nothing but the love, and the passion, between them. They kissed again.

"Jeez, you two, get a room," Daria grumbled. "You know, now that I think about it, I don't think I was the only one up all night. But you obviously enjoyed it more than I did."

"I don't see a room around," Magus said dryly. Daria glared at him.

"I'm amazed you came up for air long enough to say that," she shot back.

"Daria, shut up," Bleu said. Then she and Magus returned to her previous activities. The haughty young princess made a face, then looked away.

A couple hours later, they arrived at the castle, and were immediately admitted. Daria went straight to her parents, while Bleu and Magus went to see the others.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay," Schala breathed as she embraced them both in turn. "I was so worried, for the both of you." She smiled at them. "So, how'd you escape?"

"We just walked right out," Bleu replied.

"Gimme a break," Crono snorted. "Breaking out of jail isn't that easy. And I should know."

"You don't know this jail," Bleu responded. "Their security is pathetic. Though it did make our escape easier, so I'm not complaining."

"Neither am I," Schala said, smiling.

"Well, well, looks like you've been talking to the lovebirds," Daria said mockingly as she entered the room. Everyone but the two in question looked utterly confused.

"Lovebirds?" Schala echoed. "Daria, have you lost your marbles? There're no such people in this room."

"Ha!" Daria crowed. "That's what you think. Take a look at your brother and your best friend, Schala dear."

Everyone looked at them. Sure enough, they looked completely embarrassed. It didn't take them long to figure out why.

"Bleu? Magus?" Schala said slowly. "You two... you're...." She stared at them. "Are you really....?" They nodded. "Well... isn't this... interesting..." She began to giggle. "What a lovely surprise."

"It is?" everybody said, amazed.

"Of course." Schala smiled. "I'm so happy for you."

Bleu smiled back. Her hand slid into Magus's. "So am I."